Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve Blog Hop ~ Win $150.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

Welcome to my stop on the New Year's Eve Blog Hop! 

Some pretty stunning events happened to me this past year, not the least of which was that both my children announced, a mere three months apart, that they were expecting their first child...and both had little girls. 

Getting the double-whammy dose of "Guess what? You're going to be a grandmother!" really threw me for a loop. 

I mean, like, reeeally threw me. 

As a first-time parent, you wrestle with the same sense of amazement, of course, but I had to accept there was one huge difference. 
As a parent, you expect to be there to see how your children's lives turn out. As a grandparent, I had to accept that the odds are lower that I'll still be holding those hands when my grandchildren cross that finish line into adulthood.

So...what I'm looking forward to in 2014 is making every minute count.

Grand prize, which will be chosen from entering the RAFFLECOPTER link
will include: a $150.00 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card (winners choice) SSLY Key Chain, a signed copy of Bohemian Grove by T.M. Williams, an E-book of Maverick Touch: The Cat by Ashley Nemer

I'm going to give one lucky commenter e-copies (.mobi or .ePub) of all three books in my series Those Devilish De Marco Men...and here's how you can enter:

Leave me a comment telling me the most memorable thing you did with EITHER your grandparent OR grandchild. I'll need your e-mail address, too, along with the format you prefer should you be selected as the winner.

BONUS: If I get more than twenty comments, then I'll draw another name, and that person will win two books from the series, and if I have over forty comments, then a third person will win one e-book...so send your friends :)

Be sure to visit the other participating blogs, and have a Happy New Year!


  1. My maternal grandmother, who always seemed impatient with me, and was always really kind of rough on both me and my sister caught me playing in her big barrel of flour. She bought in huge amounts because she cooked for my grandfather and his ranch hands (he was foreman of a huge cotton ranch in Arizona). She scolded me fiercely and told me not to play in it,to COOK with it, giving me a sugar cookie recipe that came in the flour bag and setting me free. I was barely three or four at the time, but I could read. She provided on basic oversight, showing me the different measuring cups and spoons and getting out the ingredients I couldn't reach. This small experience fostered my love of both baking and cooking. She didn't even remember the incident later, but I've always remembered it. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. WELL...I have no children (therefore, no grandkids). After college, I moved to FL to help my maternal grandparents so I had a lot of good, adult memories with them. I vividly recall The Pa fishing (setting off from right behind their apartment) and catching pompano, which The Ma then cooked for us.

  3. No grandkids yet! So...grandparents. I remember sitting at my grandma's kitchen table getting a 'special' serving of her bean soup. I always headed to grandma & grandpa's after school rather than home. Grandma would always send me home when my parents called looking for me. But I was always well fed! ovalleba@gmail.com mobi
    Thanks for joining us on the hop!

  4. baking cookies, Kindle

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. I love cooking with my grandchildren

  6. Although I lost both of my parents this year, my grandparents raised me most of my life. I'll never forget them taking me
    To Disney world. My grandma rode the big roller coaster with me. Bad thing is she lost her glasses. We also went to the beach. Sadly I lost her 2 years ago. She is the one who taught me to love reading. We often shared out books!

  7. Congratulations of those new bundles of joy! 2014 is going to be a fun year for you. Happy New Year

  8. I'm loving all of the mini-contests on people's blogs when I get there. Here's hoping for 20 comments! Hope you have an awesome 2014 :)

  9. Unfortunately I don't have children. Thanks for the hop and giveaway. Happy New Years. koala571 (at) msn (dot) com

  10. I think my favorite memory was going to the park with my grandmother. She shocked my mom when she climbed up on the tallest slide in the park with me and we slid down together laughing arms in the air. :)
    Happy New Year and here's hoping 2014 brings much success and many blessings :) Gladiator's Pen

  11. My granddaughter (6) wrote me a book. Grandpa took several sheets of plain paper, folded and stapled them. She wrote a story, complete with art and read it back to me.
    What made this amazing - it was a complete story with some hard words in it. I will treasure Taylor's book forever.
