Sunday, August 30, 2015

New Release Date Set for Pedal to the Metal

 The release date of Pedal to the Metal has been pushed back to September 15th. The end just isn't where it needs to be, and we can't have that. 

But this is why Nomi's my editor.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in my writing, try not to need me. <grin>

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Gas or Ass Key Chain/Bottle Opener Giveaway!

Almost fainted when I found this key chain on Etsy. And the best part?
The seller is from Matthews, N.C. 

Ain't it purdy?

Of course I grabbed one to give away, to celebrate the release of Pedal to the Metal, as well as to say thank you for loving Shelby and the Hannah brothers.

(I made this mock up, and don't have the exact font that will be used. The actual item will have thinner lettering, exactly like NC vehicle tags and the vendor will ship to the winner directly.
Sorry, international readers, he'll ship to US addresses only.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Release Date and Cover Reveal for Pedal to the Metal

Coming August 31, 2015

It’s complicated.

Once, I’d have scorned anyone who’d describe their relationship that way.
Now, I’d say, “You have no idea.”
I walked away from my stepbrothers again, this time to make my mother happy.
To make my best friend Caroline happy.
And what did those bad boys do?
They grabbed Caroline and came after me.

When you can’t please everyone,

One more race, one more wicked night was all they asked, because even Colt and Caine accepted one more was all we could risk before someone got hurt.
Then we’d do the right thing—or at least stop doing the wrong thing.
But fate had other ideas.

You got to please yourself.

When life shoved me into the wall, I realized that everything I believed about myself, everything I could ever hope to be, I’d learned from a racin’ man.
And it was by God time to put the pedal to the metal, so I went hammer down and hell bent, for love.
And, if what I've done bothers anyone, they can kiss my red-headed, NASCAR-man lovin', college-educated, country girl ass.
Now, it's a romance.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pedal to the Metal, The 'Cuda Confessions #3

Are you getting excited for the release of Pedal to the Metal?
Want an Advance Review Copy? Sign up here, if you can receive a document on your Kindle and are willing to write a review and post it to Amazon (and Goodreads, if you use it) within the first two weeks after release.
Only 19 spots left before reservations close.
I think (hope!) it'll be about three weeks before ARCs go out.
The story's really rolling now :)

and follow the fun as I remove one puzzle piece a day until the cover of PTTM is completely revealed on August 13th. 
Tell me if you're #TeamColt, #TeamCaine, or #TeamRobert while you're there.
Join the page and don't forget to click to recieve updates, since I'm planning an exciting giveaway to celebrate completing the series.

The opening chapters won't be posted here until the 20th of August, so join my newsletter mailing list for the earliest possible peek at the first four chapters of the thrilling conclusion to Shelby's odyssey from virginity to full-blown womanhood.